मुख्य कंटेंट तक स्किप करें

Automated Strategies FAQ

How do I activate the strategies?

Watch this video: https://youtu.be/rDQs7IlpVaU

Why do I need Bookmap strategies?

Bookmap strategies are based on the order book and order flow, allowing automated trading for faster execution.

How can I test my strategy?

You can test strategies in replay/simulation mode or with a demo (paper money) account.

What is the advantage of Bookmap strategies vs. strategies of other platforms?

Bookmap excels in handling market data depth and order flow. These strategies demonstrate basic Bookmap API capabilities, enabling users to create more sophisticated strategies. Bookmap provides in-depth analysis of each order which will enable you to zoom in, asses the impact of latency of your strategy performance and improves/update your strategy. You get developer-level algorithms for entry and exit.

Does Bookmap have an API? Can I build my own strategies?

Yes, Bookmap offers a Java-based API. Contact support@bookmap.com to join the API beta users group.

Do you offer custom solutions via the API?

Yes, contact support@bookmap.com for details.

Why can’t I operate the strategies in real trading?

During beta testing, strategies are disabled for real trading. Live trading will be enabled after beta testing. Please note that you can run it in demo/live mode.

Can there be a conflict between the strategies?

Yes, it is your responsibility to configure the right parameters in a way that there will be no conflicts. Also, it is important you test your strategy in depth before executing it in a real trading environment.

My order was executed even though the strategy was configured to cancel/escape in such market conditions. Why?

Likely, the issue is due to a narrow range configuration, latency and fast market action that swept your order. You can zoom in with the Bookmap chart for a closer examination.

Can I use the strategies in the Basic package of Bookmap?

Yes, strategy settings are the same across packages.

Can I apply the same strategy settings to both buy and sell orders?


If I modify strategy parameters with working orders, will they be affected?

Yes, working orders are affected by the change of the strategy parameters.

How can I tell if the strategy is active or not?

Open the strategy configuration panel to check and activate it.

Can the strategy work on stop orders?

No, stop orders are not affected and not managed by the strategy.

Do strategies affect orders sent before activating the strategy?

Yes, once enabled, a strategy will manage all working orders.