Bookmap For Crypto FAQ
What Cryptocurrency exchanges can Bookmap connect to?
Bookmap connects to over 20 crypto exchanges, including Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, and others. See this page. for more details.
Do I need to have a Crypto exchange account?
For just viewing market data or simulated trading, no account is needed. But for live trades, an active exchange account is required.
Does Bookmap have an API?
Yes. Bookmap's API allows you to manage orders, access full market depth data, automate trading, create custom indicators, record/export data, and more. Visit the API page for details.
Can I trade in simulation mode?
Absolutely. When launching Bookmap, choose the 2nd option and use the integrated simulator to practice trading.
Can I trade in a demo or paper trading environment offered by exchanges or data vendors?
Certainly. To use a simulated environment, select the "demo" checkbox when setting up. You can have multiple connections (e.g., BitMEX Data, BitMEX Demo, BitMEX Real) and choose accordingly. Use the 3rd option for Demo and Real in the launching pad.
What cryptocurrencies can I subscribe to with Bookmap?
You can subscribe to any pair/instrument that your chosen exchange supports.
Is there a limit to the number of cryptocurrencies displayed simultaneously?
The free Bookmap Digital package displays one trading pair at once. With Bookmap Digital Plus, you can view up to 20 pairs simultaneously.